Contact information
p 0434049268F (07) 3201 2520
Click here for location details
email preferred.
Fee & hours information
Monday 9am to 5pm
Tuesday 9am to 5pm
Wednesday 9am to 4pm.
Thursday by arrangement.
Closed Friday to Sunday.
Individual sessions available
Full fee $170.00/60 minutes [GST inc.] with Medicare rebate on a MHCP of $82.30
Bulk Billing Like Mental Health no longer offers Bulk billing.
Additional charges
$ 150.00 for reports or additional adminstration requests.
Policy information
Cancellation policy
Like Mental Health's non-arrival or late cancellation policy creates equitable access for all clients wishing to use the service along with covering administration costs. I have included these details as it forms an agreement for our time together.
With one-off appointments payment is required at the time of the session. Credit cards are accepted & a bank fee will apply.
With regularly scheduled appointments:
1. Further appointments will not proceed without payment having been made for the last.
2. Less than 24 hours notice for cancellations may attract a 50% administration fee ($85.00 non-claimable). You will only be invoiced if other clients are unable to fill the time.
3. Repeated cancellations of regularly scheduled appointments, regardless if 24 hours notice is given, may limit appointment availability with a reallocation of the appointment time to waiting clients.
4. No further appointments will be allocated for unexplained non-arrivals. The full fee will be invoiced (non-claimable).
There is an opportunity to discuss extenuating circumstances (i.e. sickness, injury or childcare) so please contact Bronwyn for any concerns regarding appointment arrangements.
Privacy policy
Client information will not be shared without client consent other than that required to meet legal obligations. Clients will be informed if this was required.
Client records are stored in a locked area for ten years.
For post client follow-up, where reports or information is required by a third party written consent will be required for the release of information (see fees ).
To ensure a high standard of practice therapists are required to undertake professional supervision and
Like Mental Health operates under the Australian Association of Social Workers
(AASW) code of ethics. Please see AASW on the 'links' page for details.
child safe policy
A therapist must be approved to hold a QLD government blue card.See AASW practice ethics for further information on our links page